Updated Watchlist For Monday February 3rd

I do not have a single stock that is actionable going into the new week. Between the Deep Seek news on Monday, and the tariff news on Friday, all charts I am looking at are either broken, or if they have been holding up well, are slightly extended.

I’m just going to have to wait a few days to see what shapes up on my lower tier watchlists before making any moves.

Week in Review - Saturday February 1st

It’s been a bit of a volatile week for SPX, but some people’s individual stocks got hit extra hard Monday on the Deep Seek news.

I’m happy to report that I was not one of them. I had been very careful about adding much exposure during the correction, and when the news hit I did not have much exposure. I did hit one stop that afternoon but didn’t experience any slippage.

Swing high to swing low for the week on SPX wasn’t very severe at 2.7%, a good sign going forward. We experienced another tough down day on Friday on tariff news but that really wasn’t that bad either.

I Opened And Closed GAMB All In The Same Day For A Loss

I had been taking partials all week and moving stops up further reducing my risk, so I opened a fourth position this week in GAMB.

After a day of volume that was nearly 4X the average the day before my purchase, I reasoned that much of the overhead supply through the pivot point had been burt off. At the close on that day the stock also had shown excellent support at the 21ema.

I Opened A Full Size Position Of NTRA

By January 30th I was seeing decent traction in my portfolio and had locked in some partial profits along the way, so I went with a more aggressive initial position size when I bought NTRA.

The stock has been going through a fairly orderly consolidation, so I used the inside day from the 29th as an entry signal, and the two days prior to that as a pivot to buy if price got above those two candles.

PLNT Purchased On A Low Risk Pullback Buy

On Wednesday January 29th I purchased PLNT, on what I consider to be a picture perfect pullback buy.

We’ve got a 20% earnings reaction, followed by a six week long base, that culminates in a high volume breakout.

I was watching the breakout, but the market wasn’t ready for me to start buying yet, so I kept it on my watchlist. And by the time it pulled back to the base, the market was on better footing.

Today I Bought REAL As The Market Attempts To Recover From Deep Seek News

After tech companies were ambushed by Deep Seek on Monday, the stock market got off to an interesting start on Tuesday morning.

While I’m apprehensive about opening new positions, I’m not afraid, but that’s mostly because my ONON position moved into new high ground today, allowing me to move the stop up for the second time.

Add in the fact that my INTA position closed above the 21ema on Monday, and was up 4% by 10am today, giving my portfolio the right to take on additional risk.

Updated Watchlist For Monday January 27th

We’ve got some really nice set-ups going into next week. I’m going to break a couple down for you, but if you just want to jump right to the watchlist, you can see it right here.


Every trader you follow probably has their eyes on this right now. After a 120% earnings reaction, RDDT has built a seven week long base with a decently tight pivot on the end.

The base is a little on the volatile side, but that’s certainly been this stocks personality since the earnings reaction. The next earnings announcement is about two weeks away and given this stocks volatile nature, you’re going to want to either have a profit cushion going into them, or sell into strength before them; a little bit of both would be ok too.

Week in Review - Saturday January 25th

This past week was definitely an interesting one for the market. Last Monday, the 13th, the correction hit a new low. But fast forward to yesterday and the SPX is trading at new all time highs.

During that run it put in three accumulation days and then finished last week on a distribution day. So that’s mostly good news, and a little bad, especially when you consider that yesterdays distribution was on below average volume.

TTMI - Another Pocket Pivot Entry

One day after I bought INTA on a pocket pivot, I bought TTMI on a similar looking breakout. This was not in violation of my one new position a week trading rule because I was able to move my stop on ONON to offset the risk of the new position.

I’m trying to focus more on the strongest stocks in leading sectors, and TTMI is in the electronics contract manufacturing business, so it fits the bill.

INTA Formed A Pocket Pivot That Offered A Low Risk Entry

Going into a fresh trading week I had three stocks at the top of my watchlist, and one of them was INTA. It had everything going for it in a stock that I’d like to buy.

  • 90+ relative strength
  • strong uptrend
  • shallow pullback during market correction
  • long base
  • high volume support at moving averages
  • low risk entry

You really can’t ask for much more, other than favorable market conditions, and we have that right now too.

My Best Trade of 2024 Earned Me 42.5% In Nine Days

The stock market has been off to a slow start in 2025 so I have been using this time to review my trades from 2024.

My SRRK trade that I opened on Nov. 22nd stands out to me because it was my largest percentage earner in the shortest amount of time.

What initially caught my attention on the chart was the one day run-up of 362%, followed by a six week base that corrected about 30% off the highs. That’s not a very large correction for a stock that just ran up 362%, so this ticker was flashing some serious strength.

Week in Review - Saturday Jan 18th

I have very little to report this week, except for losing potential gains in NVDA because I was greedy.

But there is good news…

After the market hit its’ third lower low, it rallied and had two legitimate accumulation days during the rally. The correction isn’t over, but the odds are good that this week marks the beginning of the end.

Week in Review - Saturday Jan 11th

Rough week for the stock market and for a lot of individual tickers, but my portfolio is holding up well. It helps I’m selectively placing low risk bets on strong stock and that I’m mostly in cash.

In the short term the market is not in good shape. Just yesterday the NASDAQ set a third lower low, and all of the major indexes, $SPY $QQQ $IWM, have a similar look. Midcaps are holding up the best $MDY, but that isn’t pretty either. Until the general market shows some real signs of strength I’m going to remain very defensive.

NASDAQ Composite Index Has The Strongest Distribution Day In History Today

I scrolled back as far as $IXIC would supply me data and I was unable to find a day that had this much volume at all.

I realize that this is just one single data point in a sea of data points, but this is a very strong one. This is not trading advice, but it is a word of caution for myself and to anyone reading this for the near term. Looks like the correction we are currently experiencing has suddenly increased the odds of IXIC and QQQ taking out the previous low soon.

I Bought High Tight Flag QURE Today

High tight flags aren’t something I have traded much, but they’re very powerful, so I’m looking to learn by doing, with small position size of course.

If you’re on my email list or follow me on X you know QURE was one of the two stocks at the top of my watch list this week.

Unfortunately I fumbled the entry here a bit but I’ll expand on that in a minute. First let’s cover why I thought this was a good buy and how I planned to trade it.

AZPN Pops Through My Pivot Point And I Buy In

If you’ve been keeping up with me on X or subscribe to my emails, you knew that going into this week I had two stocks at the top of my list. One of them was AZPN.

I was watching the open, hoping to see it open near Friday’s close and slowly work its’ way above the 252.18 pivot.

As you can see from the chart below it did not do that. It gapped up on me two cents above my buy price. I didn’t jump on it though. I wanted to wait and see if it would pull back and then push back out above my target.

Week in Review - Saturday Dec 28th

Not a whole lot going on this week. I bought one stock, EMB, which I’ll talk about in a minute, and didn’t add to any of my current positions.

Here’s what I’m holding right now.

Bear Flags Are Everywhere - The Santa Rally Is Doomed

I’m going through my watch list this morning and I’m removing a lot of stocks from it that have formed bear flags after the selloff on Dec 18th.

If you’re a dip buyer maybe you like pullbacks. But if you’re a technical trader you can quickly spot the bear flag on the chart below.

EMBC Is Crushing the Market — Here’s How And Why I Jumped In

With my new trading rule set in place I got busy pretty quick Monday morning.

My list of new potential positions was pretty short. Here’s the whole list: AAL, COCO, EMBC, TPR, VSCO, and MRCY.

A pretty short and sad little list, a bit telling on current overall market conditions.

From that list EMBC was the clear front runner, mostly because on Wednesday Dec 18th, when most of the market was selling off, EMBC found a way to close higher and with higher volume than the day before. Relative strength is very important to me.

Why I'm Limiting Myself To A Single Trade A Week In 2025

Here’s my biggest problem, I take too many trades. I lose money because I’m too eager to pull the trigger, especially when I’ve got some profit to lean on.

It’s like I’m at the range with an unlimited supply of bullets, just blasting away, hoping I hit something.

My grandfather was one of the best markmen in the US Army during WWII. After the war he won multiple US Army marksman competitions for his skills with a rifle. Later he trained thousands of recruits that were headed off to the war in Korea in how to be accurate shots with their rifles.

I Made A Bad Trade Today

I bought IONQ today and it was a mistake.

I’m trying to get better at getting into high octane names, and in my exhubernace I pulled the trigger on IONQ early this morning without a proper pivot. It didn’t even have a one day pause pivot.

Since earnings on Nov 6th it made a move of 167% and I wanted to be involved in any moves higher. Instead of being patient and waiting for a pullback and reversal, or at least a pause pivot, I opened a quarter position as it took out yesterday’s high and set my stop to the low of the day for 6% risk.

Why I Bought NVDA Today When Everyone Else Was Selling

In a nutshell, I bought NVDA today because it was a low risk, high reward trade.

I bought NVDA today at $130.68 as one of two things are likely to happen very soon. It’s either going to move back up quickly above today’s high, or move down quickly below today’s low.

It could chop around for a few days before making up its’ mind, but now that it has completed a head and shoulders trading pattern by breaking below the neckline, I expect it to make a strong move one way or the other, and to do it quickly.

I Bought And Added To NMRK Yesterday

I like the base $NMRK has formed here, and after showing solid support at the 50 day, I used the high of the day on 12/4 as my pivot buy point. On 12/5 it opened at the previous days close and then methodically moved above my buy in price around noon. What I really like about buying at this price was that it coincided with a move above the 20 day. A close above it would be a confirming strength signal.