Today I Bought REAL As The Market Attempts To Recover From Deep Seek News
After tech companies were ambushed by Deep Seek on Monday, the stock market got off to an interesting start on Tuesday morning.
While I’m apprehensive about opening new positions, I’m not afraid, but that’s mostly because my ONON position moved into new high ground today, allowing me to move the stop up for the second time.
Add in the fact that my INTA position closed above the 21ema on Monday, and was up 4% by 10am today, giving my portfolio the right to take on additional risk.
And that’s exactly what I did with REAL, a ticker that was on my secondary watchlist that I shared here over the weekend.

When REAL failed to break down below the 21 EMA, while tech stocks were literally crashing, I moved it to my primary watchlist. On Tuesday morning I kept an eye on it as it took out the previous days high. I waited a little longer for it to take out Friday’s high and then I opened a quarter position.
Initial risk is a little wide for my liking at 7.77%, so I reduced position size with the intention of building to full size if REAL allows me to.
So far it’s looking pretty good. It’s been finding support at the 9.50 level since my purchase so I’m cautiously optimistic.
Going to sit back and watch my positions and see if I can find my way into any more this week. So far the market seems to be handling yesterday’s sell-off well.
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